Open Discussion Meeting About Relocation ( 26 October 2016 ).

An open discussion meeting was held on 26 October 2016 on “Update of Relocation of Tanneries In Its New Premises at Savar” organized by BTA.

Chaired by Md. Shaheen Ahmed, Chairman of BTA, the Seminar was attended by Mr. Mustak Hasan Muh. Iftekher , Chairman, BSCIC as Chief Guest . The meeting was also attended by Mr. Md. Abdul Kayum, Project Director, Savar Tannery Estate Project; Mr.  Md. Shakawat Ullah, Secretary General, BTA and Mr. Md. Mizanur Rahman, Treasurer, BTA.

The meeting was also attended by Mr. Md. Shamsul Huda (Hudu), Ex. Chairman,BTA; Mr. Md. Harun Chowdhury , Ex. Chairman, BTA and Mr. Md. Mosharaf Hussain, Ex-Secretary General, BTA.

The owners of the Tannery Factory discussed several issues and claimed the compensation from the govt. as allocated for them at an earliest convenient.

The chief guest had a patience hearing and he said that he will try to solve the problems as quick as possible. The meeting ended with the vote of thanks from Chairman.

To see more photos of this event please visit our “Photo Gallery” page.

Invitation to attend “E3” the largest Convention in India.

We are pleased to inform you that India Electrical & Electronics Manufacturer’s Association (IEEMA) representing Electrical & Electronics industry in India will be organized E3 (Energize Empower east) a Largest Energy Convention on November 18-20, 2016 at Milan Mela Ground in Kolkata, India.

You are invited to attend the Convention as one of the members of the delegation.Interested member is requested to contact at BTA office or  Mr. Subhajit Dasgupta, Sr. Executive Officer, IEEMA. Tele+91-33-22131316, Email: For details please see the PDF file. Here we

For details please see the PDF file. Here we enclosed the invitation letter & Registration Form.


Application & Form
Invitation Letter
Application & Form
Registration Form

Notice !!!!

It is hereby informed to all Members, Stakeholder and Staff of BTA that the Association Office will remain closed for Durga Puja and Holy Moharram from 11-12 October 2016 .The Association will re-open on 13 October 2016.

Holiday Notice


“National Productivity Day-2016” Observed By BTA.

The National Productivity Day has observed today (Sunday) in the country aiming to create mass awareness to raise productivity in different sectors, including Leather Sector, Industrial, Agriculture etc.The theme of this year’s National Productivity Day is “Productivity is needed for sustainable growth”.

The National Productivity Organization (NPO) brought out a colorful rally on  marking the National Productivity Day.Bangladesh Tanners Association (BTA) Participates in the Rally of “National Productivity Day-2016”.The rally started from the Secretariat  and paraded various streets in the city, said a handout.


2016-2017 (July-August) Export Target Vs. Export Performance Of Leather Sector.

2016-2017 (July-August) Export Target Vs. Export Performance Of Leather Sector:

  • 2016-2017 Fiscal Year Export Revenue Target Of Leather Sector Is USD 1220.00 Million.
  • 2016-2017 July to August (2 months) Export Revenue Target Of Leather Sector USD 204.80 Million.
  • 2016-2017 July to August (2 months) Export Revenue Of Leather Sector Is USD 226.74 Million.



                                Export performance for the Month of July-August 2016-17
(Value in million USD)


Export Performance for FY 2015-16

Export Target for

 FY 2016-2017

Strategic Target for July-Aug. 2016-17

Export Performance for July-Aug. 2016-17

% Change of export Performance


S. Export Target

Export Performance for July-Aug. 2015-2016

% Change of export performance

July-Aug.  2016-17


July-Aug.  2015-16

Leather 277.90 280.00 47.00 43.91 -6.57 46.76 -6.09
Leather Products 388.22 450.00 75.54 62.24 -17.61 52.32 18.96
Leather Footwear 494.83 490.00 82.25 120.59 46.61 97.55 23.62
Leather & Leather Products 1160.95 1220.00 204.80 226.74 10.71 196.63 15.31


EU Delegation visits Hazaribagh Tannery.

Two members of European Union (EU) Delegation comprising Mr. Konstantinos VARDAKIS, Minister Counselor and Chargé d’Affaires a.i. of the EU Delegation to Bangladesh, and Mr. Abu Sayed Belal, EU Trade Advisor visited Hazaribagh Tannery on 6th September, 2016.

The EU Delegation received by the representative of BTA and the Managing Director of LEXCO Limited, Mr. Md Harun-or-Rashid. They discussed about the relocating of Tanneries in Savar Tannery Etate and the present situation of leather sector.

Mr. Konstantinos VARDAKIS visited each and every section of leather processing units and satisfied for the tannery activities and environment.

Awareness Programme (Safety & Security of Foreigner Working in Tannery Industry)

An Awareness programmer on ‘Safety and Security of Foreigner working in Tannery Industry’ was held at BTA office on 13 August, 2016 in collaboration with Dhaka Metropolitan Police. Chaired by Md. Shaheen Ahmed Chairman, BTA where Deputy Police Commissioner (west), DMP, ADDL; Deputy Commissioner (west), DMP, Assistant; Police Commissioner (west) ,DMP and the Local Hazaribag Thana Officer in Charge were attended the awareness programme.

Among Others BTA General Secretary Md. Shakawat Ullah, Association Secretary Mohammad Nurul Islam, BTA Adviser Md. Shamsul Huda and foreigner working in tanneries were present.

During the discussion the Deputy Commissioner (west), DMP assured the foreigner for their security from the law enforcing agencies and advised them to move with safety. Any occurrence happens to them they should inform the local Thana immediately. Mr. Shaheen Ahmed thanked The Deputy Police Commissioner, DMP and other members for the measures taken by the police department.

Progress of the works in the Tannery Industrial Estate, Dhaka project area.

Construction works is going in full swing at Tannery Industrial Estate, Dhaka (TIED)  are classified into two categories – (1) those to be completed by the  project implementing agency (BSCIC) and (2) those to be done by the tannery owners. In principle, the two groups will proceed simultaneously. So that the construction made by BSCIC may not be left unused in case the relocation of tanneries lag behind. Similarly tanneries shifted to TIED may not sit idle and fail to start production in case the constructions of BSCIC remain incomplete. Following is the state of progress (as on 31.05.2016) of works by both the parties:-



Ø  Of the 4 modules of CETP, civil construction works of 2 are almost completed, though not fully ready for operation.

Ø  Mechanical works have not been completed. Some of the required machineries and equipments have not yet been established.

Ø  Effluent Pumping System (EPS) connecting individual industrial units with the CETP through pipes is still incomplete.

Ø  The rest 2 modules will need much time to be completed.

Common Chrome Recovery Unit (CCRU)
: There will be 3 units of this component. Of them progress of construction of 1 unit is worth mentioning while that of the rest 2 is in initial stage.
Dumping Yard
: Construction works are at very initial stage. Much time will be required to make it ready for use.
Sewage Treatment Plant (STP)
: Construction works yet to be started
Sludge Power Generation System (SPGS)
: Construction works yet to be started
Solid Waste Management System (SWMS)
: Construction works yet to be started
: Connecting pipes in the TIED have been set up. Entrepreneurs have applied for GAS connection. It is under process. No connection to any individual unit has so far been established.
: Temporary connection for construction work have been given. Tannery owners have applied for permanent connection for running the factories.  Their applications are under process. A good number of existing electric poles have been badly damaged. They need replacement.